07 5526 2939
0401 352 269

Some free web design tools

There are some free tools that are poking their noses ahead of the pack and becoming the industry recognised leaders in their fields and are in general not that far behind the commercial applications.
Note: Links open in new window.

Responsive web design tools

Market share of browers, OS, etc.

Can I Use shows tables of current browser support for CSS rules

Ben Frain's javascript viewport size script

Rounded Corners in IE PIE project

Multicolumns using column-width etc.

Complex gradient editor tool.

Prefix free tool for helping to write all the different versions of CSS3rules.

to start chrome so you can preview locally you need to start with chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files in RUN.

Microsoft's border radius testing tool.

Microsoft chart showing Internet Explorer version support for CSS.

JavaScript to polyfill media queries for IE6-8 and more.
Also see Modernizer


Less Framework

starting point

HTML5 Outliner

Typography tester and advisor

Using this a bit, very interesting, I hope it stays around!
Thank you Mr. Pearson! typography master (whoever you are).

Kuler is a colour scheme picker by Adobe

I like it, it is an online tool, see here

Filezilla is killer!

Filezilla is a great free FTP client so you can upload files like .html webpages and .jpg, .png and .gif images to your webpsite.

Free to download and use, check it here:
Filezilla homepage

(4.4MB download)

Paint.net is almost "free photoshop"

After trying "the gimp" and other free image creators and photo editors I finally found paint.net and it is the goods!

My requirements are that the programme must be fairly easy to use and easy for me to be able to teach my clients how to use it and paint.net is the answer!
It supports layers, resizing, adding text on the image and most of the important photoshop tools that I need my clients to use.

Free to download and use, check it here:
Paint.net homepage

(3MB download)

Komposer WYSIWYG webpage editor

This not a final recommendation because Komposer alters the code on the fly and sometimes this can change the layout but it is the best I have found yet.

Free to download and use, check it here:
Komposer homepage

(7.7MB download)



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07 5526 2939
0401 352 269

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